Kuvassa näkyy valkoinen kukkaketo, jonka taustalla Suomenlinnan muuria


The principles of sustainable tourism in Suomenlinna

To ensure the sustainability of tourism, it is necessary to agree on joint principles of sustainable tourism. These principles make it possible to enhance the commitment of sites and their operators to sustainable operations.

Metsähallitus has applied the principles of sustainable tourism since 2004. In 2015, cooperation with Finland’s World Heritage Sites was launched in order to create joint principles. There was a need for principles that can also be applied to cultural sites. These principles were ready in 2016.

Nowadays, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the Metsähallitus nature services apply joint principles of sustainable tourism in Finland, taking them into account in all of their own operations and in cooperation with tourism entrepreneurs. By committing to the principles, the parties aim at ensuring the ecological, socio-cultural and economic sustainability of tourism.

We promote sustainable tourism. In order to achieve this goal, we cooperate to…

1. Support the preservation of valuable features at the sites and promote their protection

2. Minimise the load on the environment

3. Strengthen local aspects

4. Promote use of the sites to increase health and well-being

5. Promote growth and job creation in the local economy

6. Communicate together the values and services of the site

Read more about the principles

Sustainable Tourism in Suomenlinna

Suomenlinna is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular places to visit in Finland. The Suomenlinna administration manages, maintains, restores and presents the fortress, taking sustainability into account in all its activities. Sustainable methods of operation are also required from stakeholders. Suomenlinna has its own sustainable tourism strategy.

I love Suomenlinna magneetit rantakalliolla

Enjoy Suomenlinna with care

The Governing Body of Suomenlinna takes good care of the world heritage site. Help us preserve cultural heritage and nature for future generations!

World Heritage Volunteers leiriläisiä elokuussa 2022 järjestetyllä leirillä Suomenlinnassa Kustaanmiekalla

Volunteer for Suomenlinna

The Governing Body of Suomenlinna gives companies and associations the opportunity to do volunteer work at the Suomenlinna UNESCO World Heritage Site. By volunteering, your group can contribute to the preservation of our common world heritage while spending a pleasant day in the maritime Suomenlinna.

Everyone is welcome

Suomenlinna is a LGBTQIA+ friendly place to visit. As Suomenlinna is an UNESCO World Heritage Site everyone is welcome.

Signatory of the Glasgow Declaration on the Climate Action in Tourism

The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism unites travel and tourism behind a common set of pathways for climate action, aligning the sector with global commitments and catalysing collaborative solutions to the many challenges facing businesses and destinations globally.