Viaporin Kekri 2020
Practical info and safety
Suomenlinna’s stakeholders wish to organise Viapori’s Kekri event that is safe for everyone.
The programme has been spread widely around Suomenlinna, and there are plenty of small performances outdoors. Some parts of the program can be booked in advance – explore the program and design your own event tour beforehand. Book your place in advance for the events that you simply must see. You can also book a table in the restaurants.
Learn more about our practical safety tips for Viapori’s Kekri from the titles below.
Suomenlinna is accessible only by water. A ferry service runs from the Market Square to Suomenlinna throughout the year. During summer and autumn, a water bus service to Suomenlinna is also available.
Both ferry service and water bus service have reduced the number of passengers until further notice.
Be careful! The fortification structures, walls and ramparts can be kilometres long and are for the most part unfenced. Use extra caution when moving around in the fortress! Please note that all visitors move in the fortress at their own risk.
Payment with card recommended! There is no ATM at Suomenlinna. Please consider using your card for payments.
The Tourist Information is available for you! Our Tourist Information will be open from 10 am to 8 pm during Viaporin Kekri. You will find us close to the main quay.
Would you like to be one of the event organisers and bring your own performance to Viaporin Kekri? Or would you like to give us feedback? Please contact us at tapahtumat(a)suomenlinna.fi and we will get back to you.