Kuvassa näkyy valkoinen kukkaketo, jonka taustalla Suomenlinnan muuria


Coming to Suomenlinna the first week of July? Note the Tall Ships Races event

The annual Tall Ships Races, an international tall ship competition for thousands of young people, will take place this summer in the Baltic Sea. The Tall Ships Races is the largest free event for all ages in Europe offering a rich program for both the public and the ships’ crews.

The Tall Ships Races will also bring dozens of large and spectacular ships with their crews to Helsinki from July 4th until 7th, and the event is expected to attract around half a million visitors to the city. The event area in the city center is Eteläsatama, Kauppatori market square, Katajanokka, Kanavaranta and Pohjoisranta. The event is produced by the Helsinki Event Foundation.

Click on this link to read more information on the event’s website

Take your time arriving to and returning from Suomenlinna

Construction of the event area will begin on July 1st and the event facilities will be taken down by the end of July 9th. During the event, July 4th to 7th, a high number of visitors will be anticipated in the event area. Take your time if you are arriving to or returning from Suomenlinna during July 1st to 9th. The event will cause changes to traffic in Kauppatori market square area, where the HSL ferry and the Suomenlinna Lonna water bus operate.

The water traffic will be congested and the incoming ships for the event are operated by tugs. If you are using your own boat, consider avoiding the busiest times of July 3rd and 4th in addition to July 7th, please.

Additional services to Suomenlinna due to the Tall Ships Races

HSL will provide additional ferry services to Suomenlinna and additional tram services to the event grounds. The HSL Journey Planner has the information for all additional tram and ferry services.

Click here to read more from HSL webpage

Following the event in Suomenlinna

There are very limited places on the shores of Suomenlinna that are suitable for following the sailing of the ships participating in the Tall Ships Races in a safe and responsible way. We strongly recommend going to Lonna and Vallisaari to watch the Parade of Sails on Sunday, July 7th. We recommend booking your water bus tickets and services to Lonna and Vallisaari in advance. In case of arriving to Suomenlinna during those times, start from the Visitor Centre to plan your time on the fortress.

Experience the general atmosphere of this wonderful maritime event while enjoying the services and the historical attractions of the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress.

Click here to familiarize yourself with the opening hours and events of Suomenlinna’s services

Iso Mustasaari island

Observing the Tall Ships on July 4th and the Parade of Sails on July 7th can be followed on Suomenlinna on route starting from the main pier running towards the service pier. The route is one of Suomenlinna’s maintenance and rescue roads, so please make sure that vehicles can travel on the route. There is no traffic control on the route. In other areas on the shores of Iso Mustasaari island, there are official activities, which is why access to the areas are prohibited.

The southern shore of Artillery Bay

On the shore of Kustaanmiekansalmi, the only area where it is possible to observe the Tall Ships and the Parade of Sails in a safe and responsible way, is the sand road leading to the Submarine Vesikko on the south shore of Artillery Bay and the sand roads of the Kings Gate and the nearby water bus pier area.
There are closed areas in the southern parts of the Kustaanmiekka island this summer. In these areas, erosion repairs have been made to the fortress walls, changes have been made to access control, and access guidance railings have been added. After the works, the vegetation surfaces of the fortress structure must recover during the 2024 growing season, which is why large areas in the southern region of Kustaanmiekka island are closed. However, Pizzeria Nikolai serves in Kustaanmiekka normally, also during the Tall Ships Races event.

Please, avoid watching the Tall Ships or the Parade of Sails in these areas

Pikku Mustasaari island is a residential area and there are also official activities, which is why the area is fenced off. Länsi-Musta island is also a residential area and its location is not good for watching the Tall Ships or the Parade of Sails. There are no visitor services on either island. The bridge leading to the islands is a service and rescue road.

Get ready for the impressive noise of the salute shots when the ships arrive

In accordance with the tradition of the Tall Ships Races event, some of the arriving ships can fire 21 salute shots upon arrival while sailing from Kustaanmiekka bay. In the event, honor shots will also be fired nearby Suomenlinna on July 4th during the morning hours.

Transportation of vehicles by ferry during the event

It is estimated that the loading and unloading of vehicles on the ferry operating from the Kauppatori market square will be difficult, as the roadway to the loading area intersects with the event’s main route. The service ferry ensures that vehicle transports to Suomenlinna are carried out by operating from the Katajanokka service pier (Katajanokanranta 10) also on the event weekend in addition to normal weekday shifts. During the weekend the service ferry follows an exceptional schedule.

During the service ferry operating hours, while the event is happening, parking space reservations are not accepted for the Kauppatori-Suomenlinna route, although the route traffic is otherwise run according to the schedule. Customers who need vehicle transport are recommended to plan transport using the service ferry via Katajanokka.

Suomenlinnan Liikenne Oy informs about the vehicle transports during the Tall Ships Races event on the weekend of July 6th to 7th, as well as the schedules of the maintenance ferry operating at that time.

Click here to read more information on SLL’s website in Finnish

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